Articles“The Magic of Merlin”the Cello Museum , August 23rd, 2023: “Lessons Learned from Decades of Handel’s ‘Messiah’ Performances”Strings MagazineNovember 25, 2022“6 Tips for an Efficient, Harmonious Classical Ensemble Recording Experience”Strings MagazineNovember 16, 2022“Art for All: Rosalind-Denise Rogers Uses Music to Prepare Students for Bright Futures”Strings MagazineOctober 7, 2022“Adult Summer Music Camp: 4 Ideas for Some Chamber-Music Fun (and Study!)”Strings MagazineMarch 30, 2022“The Changing Role of Music Editors in Classical Music”Strings MagazineOctober 8, 2021“Demystifying the Dazzling Variety of Historical Bows and How to Find the Right One”Strings MagazineAugust 13, 2021“Tips for Busking and Outdoor Gigs with Stringed Instruments”Strings MagazineJune 8, 2021“A New Digital Edition of J.S. Bach’s Cello Suites Takes Every Manuscript into Account”Strings MagazineJanuary 14, 2021“Eastman Cello Professor Steven Doane on the Lessons for His Incoming Students”Strings MagazineDecember 12, 2018“Workshop, Rest & Repeat: A Selection of Chamber-Music Camps for Adult Amateurs”Strings MagazineMarch 6, 2018“The Orpheon Foundation Brings Ancient Instruments—and Music—to Life”Strings MagazineOctober 17, 2017“Learning Style Through Immersion at the Global String Intensive at Berklee College of Music”Strings MagazineFebruary 9, 2017“5 Options for Anchoring Your Cello’s Endpin”Strings MagazineNovember 1, 2016“How to Prepare for an Outdoor Performance: 4 Steps Toward a Better Outside Gig”Strings MagazineMarch 1, 2016“Rambling Around the New England Festival Scene: Or What I Did on My Summer Vacation”Strings MagazineMarch 5, 2015“Why I Play Chamber Music: 19 String Players Talk About Their Passion for Playing in Small Ensembles”Strings MagazineFebruary 5, 2015“Violin Sound Production: Tips on Tone”Strings MagazineAugust 22, 2012“5 Tips on Approaching French Baroque Music”Strings MagazineJanuary 1, 2010“How to Tame Those Howling Wolf Tones on Cello”Strings MagazineMay 12, 2005“Magical Merlin” Interviews“Cellist Sarah Freiberg: Have Cellos, Will Travel”The Cello MuseumMarch 24, 2023 EditionsFrancesco Guerini, Six Sonatas for Violoncello and Basso ContinuoPRB Productions, 2000 Francesco Guerini, Six Solos for a Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpschord, Opera IXEdited by Sarah FreibergBroude Brothers Limited and Performers’ Facsimiles